November 10, 2010


Prada je vlastne pre nás veľkým vzorom módy, pretože je tam veľmi pekný tovar pre ženy. Hlavne tie kabelky, topánky, tričká či sukne. Samozrejme tá ma toho oveľa viac , ale vypisovať to sem všetko to by bolo :)

November 7, 2010

Lanvin for H&M

Yes, we know, probably u see this fashion video with new Lanvin collection but we have to have in on our blog!  We love every dress, specially white t-shirt with high heels. But it is expencive for us. And H&M is a 1 hours from our town. 

     We love nail polishes! So you can see our nail polishes in next article! And maybe we will make some special video just for u :)


Fashion is future